Implementing law on persons with disabilities needs $3b

TEHRAN – The full implementation of the law concerning the rights of persons with disabilities requires a budget of over 120 trillion rials (about $3 billion), of which some 20 trillion rials (nearly $500 million) for the first year of implementation is proposed to the Planning and Budget Organization, the Welfare Organization’s caretaker has said.
The law on the rights of persons with disabilities has been approved on December 27, 2017, by the Majlis [Iranian parliament], which provides better living conditions for persons with disabilities to no longer feel isolated, development of disability-friendly cities, health insurance and employment.
The budget amounting to 20 trillion rials (nearly $500 million) has been demanded for the coming year, and the Plan and Budget Organization agreed to cooperate in this regard, IRNA quoted Pahbod Poor Shabanan as saying on Saturday.
There are 2,200 centers offering care and treatment services to 120,000 people suffering physical and mental disabilities in the country.Budget will be earmarked for the pensions, rehabilitation equipment, employment and training, which has been approved by the Plan and Budget Organization, he said, adding that enforcement of the law to protect the rights of persons with disabilities is the Organization’s priority.
Referring to the plans to increase the pension fees, he said that in the Iranian calendar year 1396 (March 2016-March 2017), some 530,000 pensioners were among the individuals under the Organization’s coverage, of which 80 percent were suffering disabilities, adding, the pensioner’s population has currently risen to 1.3 million, out of which some 800,000 are living with a disability.
He went on to say that there are 2,200 centers offering care and treatment services to 120,000 people suffering physical and mental disabilities in the country.
“Care centers are turning into rehabilitation and caring services at homes, in a way that services are provided at home by family members or trained caregivers,” he added.
He further explained that one of the other welfare initiatives for people with disabilities is stablishing small houses for the ones with mental disabilities not to be left isolated in the community, some of which have been constructed in different provinces since two years ago, according to a plan implementing in developed countries.
Also, job creation workshops for people with minor disabilities have been held, which have been very successful in Khorasan Razavi province, he concluded.
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